Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Really, I am not very informed about the different alternatives for to study after the end of the career, it's a lot of options, but I have been thinking to take a postgraduate course.
Take a postgraduate course is one option to specialize about your career, or maybe specialize in an area that you like.

I think that I would like to have a diploma in management in pharmaceutical sciences because, in relation to what I have found in the university's website now, I could to learn more about how to organize and manage a pharmacy's service. As I told you in the previous blog, I want to have my own pharmacy, this is the main reason.
Maybe, I could take a magister in pharmaceutical sciences, to have a high level in this area and contribute to the society effectively. I need the money first☹️

I would like to take this postgraduate course in Chile and after to do this, I would like to go to other countries to specialize in other areas, for example in something about plants, because I also would like to work with plants. And then come back to Chile, because the Chilean flora has not been explored so much.

I would like to take part-time courses, because I would like to work after to finish Chemistry and Pharmacy career, to finance the university fee of the courses.
If I can, I would like to take a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences, because I want to investigate and discover new active principles in plants.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy, so I would like to work in some job related to this career. I imagine that I work in a hospital directly with the patients; in a pharmacy attending to the people that want to buy some medicine; or in a laboratory, synthesizing a drug or discovering a new drug (this will be amazing). But I really would like to work in my own pharmacy.

I would like to attend it and help to the people that are so far away from Santiago, because I want to go to the south or north of Chile with my pharmacy.

I would like to travel around of Chile first, maybe open a new pharmacy, who knows, or going to another country to speech or to learn things about new discovery related with the job that I want to my future.

I know, more or less, what will be my salary, but I also know that is not easy to have a ‘project’ like this, while exist a lot of rivalry/competition from the other pharmacies, so I will have to wait for a real salary, not only recover the money that was invested.

I don’t studying a major now, but I would like to do it in a future not so far away.
I also would like to work with plants, synthetizing medicine or doing research about it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


One bad experience that I have had was in the first year, when I failed General Chemistry 1, I thought that I don´t have to continue studying Chemistry and Pharmacy career, because maybe it was not for me and I felt embarrassment, but I met people that they helped me with this situation and they told me that is normal and I don’t had to be sad, so here I am ;)

One good experience that I have had was in this semester. My friends Andrea and Karolay and me met a little place in the university|, the ‘Biohuerta Raihen’. This place is amazing. I like so much the flowers, the trees and the aroma that some plants have. We are voluntaries of the vegetable garden and we go to water in the morning. We still can’t plant anything, because the teacher has not told us to do it. But I enjoy going there, it is a relaxing place.

I hate the competition between the students, I know that we need to pass the subjects, but we can help us between all. All the people know that to be in the university is hard and exhausting, but it’s not necessary that the relationship with a classmate be disagreeable (of course not all the people are like this, but I have met some persons competitive). I hate this, because is stressful want to learn and that some people does not want to help you. I don´t speak about Chemistry and Pharmacy only, in general this situation happen in the majority of careers.

The things I like is that I have been learning a lot of things about the career, that I met good people that makes me feel so happy in this place, and I like that my faculty have many trees. I like these things, because they make my university experience better. 

One possible solutions to the thing that I hate about the university’s students could be that we let’s be more empathetic with who need help. To be here is for yourself, it´s not depend about other people, let’s be a good person, please!


In general, I like the faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences and I really like the career I am studying (chemistry and pharma...